
Why do this? Why spend so much time and energy on a positive clothing brand? Why do we believe that spreading positivity, one comfy tee shirt at a time, is important? 

Well besides the fact that kindness is cool, there is research upon research upon research that shows how important kindness is to our own and other's well-being. 

Example A: The Framingham heart study in Massachusetts (2008) concluded that. "people who are surrounded by many happy people and those who are central in the network are more likely to become happy in the future."

Example B:  A study done at the University of British Columbia (2012) conducted at an elementary school, proved that students who performed kind acts experienced significantly higher increases in peer acceptance. In other words, people who are kind to others are more well-liked.


We will continue to build up this page for evidence as to why positivity is so important but for now we hope that living a longer life, helping others to be happy, and being more well-liked are just a few reasons you will buy a shirt, wave at stranger, buy your neighbor a shirt, and so on.